safeguarding children and vulnerable adults is very important to us at Grace Church, because we believe that every person is valuable and made in the image of God.

on this page, you can find key contacts for reporting any concerns or allegations. If you would like to find out more about our policies and procedures related to safeguarding, feel free to talk to one of our Safeguarding team.

Toby Martin

Toby is our Designated Safeguarding Lead. If you have any concerns or allegations about the conduct of staff or volunteers, please report them to him, either in person on a Sunday, or by email. Or, if the allegation relates to him or a family member of his, please report them to Pritti Gurney (see below).

Email address:

Pritti Gurney

Pritti is our Designated Safeguarding Officer. If you have any concerns about the safety or wellbeing of a child or vulnerable adult, please report them to her in person on a Sunday. Or, if Pritti is not around, or if the allegation relates to her or a family member of hers, please report it to Toby Martin (above).

Email address:


Here are some more helpful contacts…

In an emergency, call 999

North Yorkshire Children Partnership: 01609 780780

North Yorkshire Adults’ Safeguarding Board: 01609 780780

Christian Safeguarding Services’ Advice Line: 07960 751778
available 7 days a week between 7am and 10pm